Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Love and Loss

Isadora Kosofsky
SOURCE;  Intersection of Love and Loss:  "Children of Incarcerated parents" by Isadora Kosofsky, Time Magazine, May 17, 2016.  Link:  time.com/4327836/love-and-loss-children-of-incarcerated-parents/

According to the article in Time Magazine; " In 2010 more than 2.7 million children in the US had an incarcerated parent at some point in their lives.  Nationally there are more than 120,000 incarcerated mothers and 1.1 million incarcerated fathers who are parents of minor children."  This leads me to the question of what happens to the children of the incarcerated?  From first hand experience, I know that the department of human services first tries to place the child or children with family.  If that presents to be unsuccessful then their next step is to reach out to friends of the family.  Then if yet, they are unsuccessful, the department has no other choice but to place the child or children in a temporary home usually called a foster home.  In a lot of cases if their is more then one child, the possibility of them being placed in the same foster home is very unlikely.
source:  Effects of Parental incarceration on young children/ASPE. aspe.hhs.gov
  This is what happened to my children.  They were forced to be split up, causing more trauma.  The loss of an attachment figure is very devastating to a child and when they are separated from their siblings, this just adds to the many devastation's they suffer through.  Needless to say, when a child is placed outside of family or friends, the possibility of keeping some kind of connection with their parent or parents is difficult.  A lot of times, children are not told the whole truth as to why the separation and placement into a foster home occurred.  This is meant to be a means to try and protect the child or children from further trauma but in the end, hurts them more.  This can leave the child or children feeling angry, confused, scared, feel rejected or like they did something wrong to cause the separation themselves.

  Usually the reasons behind such incarcerations are related to an addiction and/or criminal activity that was occurring in the child or children's environment.  Even with such behaviors occurring, the child or children are still attached to their parents and are accustomed to what ever may have been going on around them.  Unfortunately, they might not even realize the dangers they may have been in. So in most cases, the child or children express what is going on inside of them through their behaviors at school or in their foster home.  The behaviors displayed may look like acting out or even closing up.  With the little awareness that our communities have on such topics, it is hard to properly give these children what they need in order to stabilize again.

When I got my kids back and was trying to help them to feel secure again, my son was having tremendous difficulties in school.  So much, that he was suspended from school and after a school meeting, I was talked into trying to home school him until he became more stable in his circumstances.  This proved to be very unsuccessful, so realizing that my son was falling through the educational cracks, I begun to advocate hard for him.

 The problem was that the school was not trained in how to properly address situations where a child comes from such trauma.  So with the help of the department of social services, my therapist and the several therapist of my sons, I helped them to understand the dynamics of his situation.  Several board meetings later, my son was able to be a success through a program that the district implemented in order to help kids with backgrounds such as his.  The program is called ATLAS (please see link).  This program, unlike any other is designed to help children who are struggling in school not because of a learning disability, but rather who's situation is circumstantial. I can not begin to describe how life saving this program has been for my son.  When I first won custody back of him, he was not able to stay regulated for even 30 minutes in a school setting.  By the end of the year, my son was excited to and looked forward to going to school and was successful all day.  These are the kinds of programs that our community must advocate for in order to stop this cycle of incarceration.

In my next source by Amy Alexander."Why Children With Parents in Prison Are Especially Burdened".  The Atlantic Dec. 14, 2015.  Print. (pg. 3,para. 3)   Vallas, the director of policy for the Poverty to Prosperity Program at CAP said, " Because these challenges affects such a large share of our nation's children, we ignore these intergenerational consequences at our peril."  When I read this statement this is how I internalized it.  That we, as a whole community, are not doing what we can to break the cycle and in turn causing more problems by just ignoring it.  This is a cowardly thing to do.  So just because we feel that this issues is to overwhelming or to big to overcome because it is ever growing larger and larger, then our heads have been turned to it?  This puts so much at grave risk!  Then when the issue is brought to our "back yard",  we do nothing but judge and talk down to the child, the parent and/or the circumstances because it has caused some kind of ruffled feathers in our mist?  It is time to see that if we are not going to help be part of the solution, then we are just as much part of the problem.

  These children need our help as a community to get a running start at not getting griped by the same vices that have or had griped their loved ones.  Interventions are needed in order to help  schools with proper programs, to help neighborhoods to build better support systems in keeping each other safe, and to help families break these vicious cycles of whatever it is that is keeping them from being reunited back with each other.  A majority of children with these types of back round also come from low-income families.  The funding for such programs as ATLAS has become scarce, causing fear of shut-down in the future.  We, as tax payer, are spending millions of dollars a year on focusing on the well being of the inmate themselves, that the children's needs are being overlooked.  So what can be done?  Who do we go to in order to get the support needed in order to advocate for such matters?  where do we begin?  There are already so many programs and resources that I begin to wonder what kinds of new ideas has anyone with a voice for these helpless children come up with or even tried to present to the table?



  1. This surprises me that the number of incarcerated parents is so high US. It makes me wonder how many of these incarcerated parents are in prison for a second or third time. I wonder as well if the number would be this high if we had a better system that was willing to work with parents and children. I know there are a few programs for parents and children but its not funded enough to make it a normal process.

  2. Your topic made me want to know more about what happens to the children when parents are incarcerated like who do they live with, how does it affect school, relationships and if they will follow the same path as their parents. I would suggest to include pie charts or bar graphs showing statistics. I am excited to learn more from your blog.

  3. I would love to know more about your topic because it seems very interesting to me how many children have to deal with their parents being incarcerated. I never knew this many children had to go through something like this. I have more questions on what this affects in the childs life like school and home life? do many of these childrens have to have foster parents while their parents are away?

  4. My gosh these statistics are alarming. What I found interesting just from reading a couple sentences is that there are so many more fathers than mothers incarcerated. Maybe in a future post that might be explained. Why such an astronomical difference? You haven't had a chance to post a whole lot but it must be something you are interested in researching because it's important and I couldn't agree more. I am really looking forward to reading your blog.

  5. Thank you all for your interest in my blog topic. It seems that I can not get the information on here fast enough. I just posted a video that I thought was very interesting. I think if you all will take the time to watch it, you too will find it interesting also. The one thing that was so shocking to me was that sesame street actually has episodes on helping kids cope with their parents being incarcerated. It is alarming and heartbreaking to know that this is truly becoming an epidemic across the united states.

  6. The sesame street thing is very surprising to me as well. It is heartbreaking. Especially since that show is for really young children. I wonder if the show really does help out.

  7. Those statistics are absolutely mind blowing. I knew this was a problem, but your blog is doing a great job of detailing exactly how BIG of a problem it is. It's really great that you were proactive in implementing these programs for your son and others in his situation. I imagine it can be really easy to fall through the cracks when schools tend to be all about 'teaching' and not about what each individual child needs in order to be successful in a school environment. I read a lot about ATLAS, and what really stuck out to me was the small classroom sizes. Caping the program at 8 keeps the program small and manageable, so that educators in the program are able to give more attention to what each child needs. This was my first time hearing of this program, and sounds like something that was gravely needed in the town I grew up in. I really enjoyed learning about it through your blog!
