Thursday, July 14, 2016

Concluding for now

So I have decided that children of incarcerated parents are affected in more ways then we probably even realize.  The superficial scares this kind of traumatic event leaves on a child is unprecedented.  Even if a child could describe in words the kinds of things they go through mentally, emotionally, physically and psychologically, I do not feel we could truly understand what it is like to have to suffer like that.  Unless you have been through it yourself.  Even then, each experience is very different in many ways.
source:  Not being able to be with his mom every day is a pain that stays with...
I do not think that I am quit satisfied with what I have discovered and I have come to realize that I may never be.  I say this because this is am ever increasing issues and as our economy changes, I think then so will the affects be on these children.  Yes, many will stay the same such as feelings of detachment and abandonment issues. I feel like their may be some answers and solutions to some just in time for new problems presented from the children of the incarcerated to arise.  This may be my new viscous cycle;  Trying to find answers only to have more questions.

I will still wonder about how our communities are going to better fund and support such children in order for them to thrive?  I will still wounder if a child can completely heal from such traumatic events?  I will still wonder if when a child experiences such strong, frequent and prolonged adversities, can they themselves be successful at having a stable family environment as an adult?

For now I will sign off with these thoughts and questions lingering in my head.  Maybe through my own healing of my children and their trauma, I will find answers to my questions?

Source:  Cori Walter, 32(R) hugs her daughter Hannah Walters, 6, at...


  1. Natasha, you have began discussion about a topic that is important to society. American culture is now more worried about punishment than justice with mandatory sentencing, for-profit jails, and entire campaigns run on being "tough on crime." One of the results we now see in society is the broken family for multiple generations. My suggestion is to remember what you have learned and share it with others.

  2. thank you so much for the advice you have given me. My mission is to remember and share what I have learned in order to help others.
